Model UN Registration Form

Congratulations on starting your registration for Fairfield University’s Model United Nations Conference! All delegates who attend FUMUN form delegations with students from their high school. This is not a beginner conference and we ask that if your students have not had any Model United Nations experience, please contact us to review the possibility of participating in FUMUN. Please refer to our website for conference details and committee descriptions. Please contact our staff at if you have any questions.

Country assignments are dependent on delegation size, and are determined on a first come, first served basis. Details are subject to change.

All delegations will pay a registration fee and an additional per delegate fee. A non-refundable deposit of $30 is required to secure your registration. Fees include all conference materials and lunch on the day of the conference.

School Registration Fee
1-7 delegates ($50)
8-12 delegates ($80)
13-20 delegates ($90)
20+ delegates ($100)

Student Delegate Fee
$15 per delegate by March 25, 2022
$25 per delegate after March 25, 2022

Due to increasing demand regarding delegation spaces, we ask that you please secure your assumed number of delegates as soon as possible. This will ensure that as many students per school can attend, as well as give our team ample time to prepare on our end.

Note: Each delegation must have at least one accompanying advisor.

School Information (All fields are required)

Advisor(s) Information (All fields are required)
Student(s) Information (All fields are required)

School Name {{school.schoolName}}
Number of Advisor {{school.numAdvisor}}
Number of Students {{school.numStudent}}

Advisor(s) Info

Name {{advisor.lastName}}, {{advisor.firstName}} Email {{}} Phone {{}}

Student(s) Info

Name {{student.lastName}}, {{student.firstName}} Email {{}}

Country Preference

Preference {{$index+1}} {{countryPre.countryName}}

Committee Preference

Preference {{$index+1}} {{committeePre.committeeName}}
Country Preference Explanation {{school.countryPreferenceExplanation}}
Committee Preference Explanation {{school.committeePreferenceExplanation}}
Model UN Experience {{school.experience}}
Other Needs {{school.otherNeeds}}
Payment Method {{school.paymentMethod}}
School Paying for Students YesNo

Thank you for completing the Fairfield University Model United Nations Conference registration form! We are very excited to see you actively participate in our conference and learn more about the state of world politics and diplomacy. Please be on the lookout for an email confirming your registration and, if you selected TouchNet, there will be a link in the confirmation email to pay the Registration fee as soon as possible. Your students will also receive a confirmation email notifying them that they have been registered and with a link for payment. Please keep into consideration the different payment fees depending on payment date and delegation size. We will be sending reminder emails, logistic details, and committee and country assignments as the date gets closer and the planning process continues. We hope you are looking forward to this event as much as we are.

Best Regards,


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